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1296 possible answers remain  

powered by Jerry Wickey
Key West
800 722 2280

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Friday, April 19, 2024
12:32 pm

Show the answer so you can see how well AI is doing. Then click AI suggest; and click guess on each of its suggestions to see how smart AI really is.

You can;

Set a new answer; or randomly set a new answer.

Hide or show what the answer is.

Type in a guess or let AI find the best guess which finds the answer in the fewest guesses.

Hid or show all the possible answers.

Rules of the Game

The answer is four letters A through F. For each guess you make, you are told how many letters are exact matches including in the right place, but you are not told which letters are the exact matches. You are also told how many letters are correct but not in the right place.